Emery || 1 Month

One of my favorite things we did with Theo when he was a baby were his monthly photos and updates. I have referenced back to them so many times just to see how he has changed, and often when a friend asks “When did Theo ___________?” I can’t remember so thank goodness I have a way to look back and know. I’m truly terrible at filling in their baby books, so I print these little updates and include them as well.

We have really started to find our groove as a family of 4. Theo has transitioned to being a wonderful big brother as smoothly as I could have hoped. Emery has been everything a newborn normally is - sleepy, loves eating and cuddles. She gets her daily tummy time with big brother playing next to her, it is quite sweet.

Paul and I have worked out our nights pretty well with Emery, but as we get longer stretches of sleep we are always adjusting our routine. She was up pretty much like clock work every 1.5 - 2 hours the first 2 weeks - Paul would get her changed and bring her to me, then she’d nurse for an hour and put back down. I’d get an hour of sleep and repeat. She was such a lazy eater with a not great latch, but we worked hard to fix it and finally at a month she’s back to birth weight!


I’d love to know, what is your favorite way to capture and record your little ones as they grow?
