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Sunday Small Talk

Hey there! Happy Easter! I hope you had a safe and relaxing day. Theo enjoyed his first Easter egg hunt today, which he really loved. In general he loves being outside, and we had beautiful weather for him to hunt outside.

It has felt a little weird to jump on and hit publish on drafted posts without acknowledging that the world is in such a strange place, and honestly my brain does not always comprehend it well. School is now all online for me, which has been a weird adjustment to make. I didn’t expect to not see my kids again when I left a few weeks ago, they hadn’t even made the announcement to close when I left at the end of my 1/2 day. I’m taking a semester off for maternity leave, so I won’t be back at school working until next January… 2021. Paul is now working from home as well, after his company took a bit too long to make that decision, in my humble opinion. We are both still employed, which is something that we don’t take for granted. Sometimes finding that balance of us both working from home isn’t easy… while I have flexibility in when I work, being primary caregiver to Theo from the time he wakes up until 5 while still holding office hours, grading, and planning isn’t easy. Also, so many gosh darn dishes.

We went to order the supplies to work more on the playroom, things like the shelves and supplies for my desk but much of it couldn’t be shipped or was going to cost too much to ship, so we are now in a state of limbo there and so we’ve turned our attention to other projects and made a new list priorities. Paul really does not want to spend any money until things turn around and jobs are more certain, but there are still things we need to and I want to do before the baby arrives. So we are compromising and I’m taking lots of my list. The playroom has fallen to the bottom of this list, even the nursery doesn’t make the cut… our main focus for our time and money are (1) a playset for Theo (2) his big boy bed. He loves being outside and playing, and since we can’t play in the park being able to go outside and play while sister sleeps or I wear her is very important to me. If he’s having a hard day, playing outside always makes him happy. I imagine while I find the balance of how to parent a toddler and newborn, this is going to be very key in our sanity. After searching for one that is the right size, made of cedar, and budget friendly we purchased this one from Wayfair. It should be shipped in the next few weeks, and then I’m sure it is going to take us a few days to put together. Theo also needs his big boy bed so that his sister can have the crib. I wanted to get him moved sooner so he does not feel like he is being kicked out of his crib, but here we are. When we talk about it he is very excited about having a big bed like mommy and daddy, so I’m excited to get it built. Paul is building him a daybed complete with drawers underneath.

While the nursery won’t be done, I am still working on painting her dresser, her walls, and anything else I can do. She will sleep in our room for the first few months, so really there is no rush to get her room done. I am going to start our “must buy” list soon of items we really need to have before she is born, you know like diapers… I think our child credit stimulus check will be going toward our double stroller, because I want to be able to still take family walks with 2 in a stroller.

So comment below and tell me how things have been going for you? Are you also wearing the same clothes in a small rotation? Is dry shampoo your BFF too?