Emery || 3 Months

Emery Grace turned 3 months on October 7th, 1/4 of the way through her first year! Leading up to 3 months we started to turn a corner, and it feels good. Sooo good. Emery isn’t fighting sleep as hard, and she’s typically waking once around 4ish to eat, and some nights not until 6 or 6:30. She is so aware of her world this month, and watches everything Theo does. He loves holding and rocking her, and in return she looks up at him smiling. Truly we transitioned to a family of 4 as best as I could have hoped, that’s not to say we didn’t struggle at times but I have loved watching Theo become a big brother.

Emery after months of me trying every pacifier known to man, has decided she will be a hardcore thumb sucker, which is good and bad. A thumb can’t get lost, but how hard will it be to break her thumb sucking one day? Emery didn’t have a doctor appointment at 3 months, so I don’t know her weight or length, but she is long and thin like Paul. This month she was baptized wearing the same dress I wore, and my mother. As 2020 would have it, her Godmother had to facetime in, as well as Paul’s parents. She had no party to celebrate, but nevertheless she is loved fiercely and I’ll make up for the lack of celebration around her one day.
